Individual Results for 2019 Donkey Cross at Baker Orchard
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Race Details
Race Type Cycling
Race Date 10/5/2019 9:30:00 AM
Race Location Baker Apple Orchard Centuria, WI
Race Description

10th Anniversary of race.

Baker Orchard is the venue. Bring money to buy the good apples or win the race.

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FieldPosPICBib #First NameLast NameTeamClassTotal Time
Page size:
 165 items in 4 pages
769951403Juniors11219JamesHalversonMNJRCJr Boys 13-1423:09.3 NORTH BRANCH
769961403Juniors214LaurenWEIGELDonkey Label Racing/ StoemperJr Girls 13-1426:52.9 ORONOCO
769971403Juniors31220NathanielHalversonMNJRCJr Boys 9-1228:55.1 NORTH BRANCH
769981403Juniors425RaganWeigelDonkey Label Racing/ StoemperJr Girls 13-1428:55.3 ORONOCO
769991403Juniors53226orlaprior Jr Girls 13-1431:02.5 PLYMOUTH
770001403Juniors6444MargotDerosierMr.Jr Girls 13-1432:43.7 ARDEN HILLS
770011403Juniors7115JacobAlen Jr Boys 15-1833:36.3 BALSAM LAKE
770021403Juniors81100MayaIngles Jr Girls 9-1233:56.3 SAINT PAUL
770031403Juniors92227rigelprior Jr Boys 9-1234:26.2 PLYMOUTH
770041403Juniors102221EthanBrown Jr Boys 13-1436:36.1 CHAMPLIN
770051403Juniors11354EthanGoldNorthstar DevelopmentJr Boys 9-1240:15.0 PLYMOUTH
770061403Juniors12428RoczenBeissel Jr Boys 9-1218:44.8 HASTINGS
770071403Juniors135213ibandrevlow Jr Boys 9-1220:52.7 COTTAGE GROVE
770081403Juniors142188PenelopeRientsKUHL Cycling TeamJr Girls 9-1225:57.3 SHAKOPEE
770091403Juniors156225MacynSawall Jr Boys 9-1227:08.0 NEW RICHMOND
770101403Juniors167228FordPrior Jr Boys 9-1229:30.5 PLYMOUTH
770111403Juniors173137RyanIngles Jr Girls 9-1230:07.4 SAINT PAUL
770121403Juniors184222violetdady Jr Girls 9-1232:02.1 SAINT PAUL
770131403Juniors198223jacksondady Jr Boys 9-1240:07.8 SAINT PAUL
770141403M Cat_1/2/31193DominicTalericoAngry CatfishM Cat_1/257:16.7 SAINT PAUL
770151403M Cat_1/2/322158NicholasLemkeCycle-Smart/HiFiM Cat_1/257:30.4 GOLDEN VALLEY
770161403M Cat_1/2/333187JesseRientsKUHL Cycling TeamM Cat_1/257:38.8 SHAKOPEE
770171403M Cat_1/2/344173SeamusO'Connor-WalkerDonkey LabelM Cat_1/257:56.0 IOWA CITY
770181403M Cat_1/2/355201owenthoeleangry catfishM Cat_1/257:56.5 MINNEAPOLIS
770191403M Cat_1/2/361161SteveMarshallMidtown cyclingM Cat_300:50.5 WAYZATA
770201403M Cat_1/2/372177EthanPetersonNorthstar DevelopmentM Cat_301:34.2 MINNEAPOLIS
770211403M Cat_1/2/386229BenHey M Cat_1/202:02.6 SAINT LOUIS PARK
770221403M Cat_1/2/39716MattAllen M Cat_1/202:34.9 MINNEAPOLIS
770231403M Cat_1/2/3103165SatchellMische-RichterSave the BWCA Cycling TeamM Cat_306:11.0 MINNEAPOLIS
770241403M Cat_1/2/3114159LeviLowellAll City X Fulton RacingM Cat_306:31.1 RICHFIELD
770251403M Cat_1/2/312537JoeBurbachNorthstar DevlepomentM Cat_307:31.2 HUDSON
770261403M Cat_1/2/3138230davidbaldusNorthern CX Works pb Save the BWCAM Cat_1/209:12.1 MINNEAPOLIS
770271403M Cat_1/2/3146155paulkrumrichDonkey Label RacingM Cat_356:38.4 BLOOMINGTON
770281403M Cat_1/2/31576SeyamackAfzaliBalance CyclingM Cat_357:35.1 ST LOUIS PARK
770291403M Cat_1/2/3168231ryanjohnson M Cat_357:58.2 EAGAN
770301403M Cat_1/2/3179232EamonOHara M Cat_358:51.7 MINNEAPOLIS
770311403M Cat_1/2/31810233DanielNovakTaco CatM Cat_302:55.3 MINNEAPOLIS
770321403M Cat_1/2/399911224kevinthumHCCCM Cat_333:20.6 RIVER FALLS
769681403M Cat_3/411212AntonSmirnovVol Gas RacingM Cat_3/444:38.9 FORT COLLINS
769691403M Cat_3/42149JeffFraneAll-City X FultonM Mast 35+ Cat_3/446:15.0 MINNEAPOLIS
769701403M Cat_3/432180MichaelPhernetton M Mast 35+ Cat_3/446:16.0 HUDSON
769711403M Cat_3/442170RobertNewcombKingfieldM Cat_3/447:30.9 MINNEAPOLIS
769721403M Cat_3/453216elishank M Cat_3/447:50.9 MINNEAPOLIS
769731403M Cat_3/46426JasonBeckLoon State CyclingM Cat_3/448:14.0 MINNEAPOLIS
769741403M Cat_3/47327JacobBeisselLSC Trek p/b One Ten CyclesM Mast 35+ Cat_3/448:34.7 HASTINGS
769751403M Cat_3/48441StephenCottrellNorthern Bicycle Racing CollaborativeM Mast 35+ Cat_3/449:51.2 MINNEAPOLIS
769761403M Cat_3/49535EricSundstromChristian CyclingM Mast 35+ Cat_3/450:08.3 OTSEGO
769771403M Cat_3/4105168DanielNelson M Cat_3/450:23.4 RED WING
769781403M Cat_3/4116169AndrewNepsundNorthern CX WorksM Cat_3/450:23.9 MINNEAPOLIS
769791403M Cat_3/4126157MattLeizingerAll-City X Fulton RacingM Mast 35+ Cat_3/452:24.8 RICHFIELD
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PIFPICBibFirst NameLast NameFieldClassTimeCityGender
Page size:
 138 items in 2 pages
Field: Juniors; Class: Jr Boys 13-14
 11219JamesHalversonJuniorsJr Boys 13-1423:09.3NORTH BRANCH 
 102221EthanBrownJuniorsJr Boys 13-1436:36.1CHAMPLIN 
Field: Juniors; Class: Jr Boys 15-18
 7115JacobAlenJuniorsJr Boys 15-1833:36.3BALSAM LAKE 
Field: Juniors; Class: Jr Boys 9-12
 31220NathanielHalversonJuniorsJr Boys 9-1228:55.1NORTH BRANCH 
 92227rigelpriorJuniorsJr Boys 9-1234:26.2PLYMOUTH 
 11354EthanGoldJuniorsJr Boys 9-1240:15.0PLYMOUTH 
 12428RoczenBeisselJuniorsJr Boys 9-1218:44.8HASTINGS 
 135213ibandrevlowJuniorsJr Boys 9-1220:52.7COTTAGE GROVE 
 156225MacynSawallJuniorsJr Boys 9-1227:08.0NEW RICHMOND 
 167228FordPriorJuniorsJr Boys 9-1229:30.5PLYMOUTH 
 198223jacksondadyJuniorsJr Boys 9-1240:07.8SAINT PAUL 
Field: Juniors; Class: Jr Girls 13-14
 214LaurenWEIGELJuniorsJr Girls 13-1426:52.9ORONOCO 
 425RaganWeigelJuniorsJr Girls 13-1428:55.3ORONOCO 
 53226orlapriorJuniorsJr Girls 13-1431:02.5PLYMOUTH 
 6444MargotDerosierJuniorsJr Girls 13-1432:43.7ARDEN HILLS 
Field: Juniors; Class: Jr Girls 9-12
 81100MayaInglesJuniorsJr Girls 9-1233:56.3SAINT PAUL 
 142188PenelopeRientsJuniorsJr Girls 9-1225:57.3SHAKOPEE 
 173137RyanInglesJuniorsJr Girls 9-1230:07.4SAINT PAUL 
 184222violetdadyJuniorsJr Girls 9-1232:02.1SAINT PAUL 
Field: M Cat_1/2/3; Class: M Cat_1/2
 1193DominicTalericoM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_1/257:16.7SAINT PAULM
 22158NicholasLemkeM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_1/257:30.4GOLDEN VALLEYM
 33187JesseRientsM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_1/257:38.8SHAKOPEEM
 44173SeamusO'Connor-WalkerM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_1/257:56.0IOWA CITYM
 55201owenthoeleM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_1/257:56.5MINNEAPOLISM
 86229BenHeyM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_1/202:02.6SAINT LOUIS PARKM
 9716MattAllenM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_1/202:34.9MINNEAPOLISM
 138230davidbaldusM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_1/209:12.1MINNEAPOLISM
Field: M Cat_1/2/3; Class: M Cat_3
 61161SteveMarshallM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_300:50.5WAYZATAM
 72177EthanPetersonM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_301:34.2MINNEAPOLISM
 103165SatchellMische-RichterM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_306:11.0MINNEAPOLISM
 114159LeviLowellM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_306:31.1RICHFIELDM
 12537JoeBurbachM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_307:31.2HUDSONM
 146155paulkrumrichM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_356:38.4BLOOMINGTONM
 1576SeyamackAfzaliM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_357:35.1ST LOUIS PARKM
 168231ryanjohnsonM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_357:58.2EAGANM
 179232EamonOHaraM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_358:51.7MINNEAPOLISM
 1810233DanielNovakM Cat_1/2/3M Cat_302:55.3MINNEAPOLISM
Field: M Cat_3/4; Class: M Cat_3/4
 11212AntonSmirnovM Cat_3/4M Cat_3/444:38.9FORT COLLINSM
 42170RobertNewcombM Cat_3/4M Cat_3/447:30.9MINNEAPOLISM
 53216elishankM Cat_3/4M Cat_3/447:50.9MINNEAPOLISM
 6426JasonBeckM Cat_3/4M Cat_3/448:14.0MINNEAPOLISM
 105168DanielNelsonM Cat_3/4M Cat_3/450:23.4RED WINGM
 116169AndrewNepsundM Cat_3/4M Cat_3/450:23.9MINNEAPOLISM
 147154WillemKrattleyM Cat_3/4M Cat_3/452:50.5STILLWATERM
 168217maxrennerM Cat_3/4M Cat_3/453:24.3MINNEAPOLISM
Field: M Cat_3/4; Class: M Mast 35+ Cat_3/4
 2149JeffFraneM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/446:15.0MINNEAPOLISM
 32180MichaelPhernettonM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/446:16.0HUDSONM
 7327JacobBeisselM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/448:34.7HASTINGSM
 8441StephenCottrellM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/449:51.2MINNEAPOLISM
 9535EricSundstromM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/450:08.3OTSEGOM
 126157MattLeizingerM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/452:24.8RICHFIELDM
 13792BradInglesM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/452:50.5SAINT PAULM
 15850JonFriedellM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/453:11.1MINNETONKAM
 179176DavidPetersonM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/453:37.1MINNEAPOLISM
 1810210LeeZettlerM Cat_3/4M Mast 35+ Cat_3/454:26.1OAKDALEM
Field: M Cat_4/5 and Clydesdale; Class: Clydesdale
 31168DanielNelsonM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleClydesdale27:25.4RED WINGM
 102403JoelBentonM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleClydesdale32:42.0MINNEAPOLISM
 123254GregorioRamirezM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleClydesdale33:48.4BLAINEM
 134195MarcSontowskiM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleClydesdale34:14.4CHANHASSENM
 175152PatrickKnoxM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleClydesdale36:42.8ST PAULM
 196211NateZumachM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleClydesdale37:43.8WEST SAINT PAULM
 22761BrianHeadleeM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleClydesdale39:32.8NEW RICHMONDM
 24857theodorehalvorsonM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleClydesdale24:48.7MINNEAPOLISM
Field: M Cat_4/5 and Clydesdale; Class: M Cat_4/5
 11255aaronlampshireM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/525:18.0MINNEM
 22243ZacharyBurtonM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/526:10.6MINNEAPOLISM
 43192JaredSedlacekM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/528:01.7HOPKINSM
 54210LeeZettlerM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/528:32.6OAKDALEM
 65251blakenelsonM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/530:57.2BLOOMINGTONM
 76153AlexKnutsonM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/531:05.5MINNEAPOLISM
 87207ParkWalterM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/531:14.5EAU CLAIREM
 98199ShaunStruntzM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/531:21.5SAINT PAULM
 119203BrianTurkM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/533:28.0BROOKLYN PARKM
 141040JAMESCOOKEM Cat_4/5 and ClydesdaleM Cat_4/534:42.4WAYZATAM
Field: M Masters; Class: M Masters 35+
 111196timStalochM MastersM Masters 35+38:58.4WATERTOWNM
 152202BrandonTriggerM MastersM Masters 35+44:16.7MINNEAPOLISM
 18343MarcelDerosierM MastersM Masters 35+48:16.5ARDEN HILLSM
 224189KarlSaarelaM MastersM Masters 35+40:01.3COON RAPIDSM
Field: M Masters; Class: M Masters 45+
 11172TimNorrieM MastersM Masters 45+34:15.3MINNEAPOLISM
 2230keithbianchiM MastersM Masters 45+34:33.7ST. PAULM
 33161SteveMarshallM MastersM Masters 45+35:05.5WAYZATAM
 44182KenRaicheM MastersM Masters 45+35:35.1BURNSVILLEM
 55420JayHendersonM MastersM Masters 45+35:47.9MINNEAPOLISM
 6646AaronDrevlowM MastersM Masters 45+36:26.6COTTAGE GROVEM
 107245CoryGrossM MastersM Masters 45+38:17.2STILLWATERM
 138205ChrisVan ErtM MastersM Masters 45+39:57.0ST. PAULM
 16921WillemBastiaensM MastersM Masters 45+44:52.9SCANDIAM
 1710247ThomasLapinskiM MastersM Masters 45+46:28.2MINNEAPOLISM
Field: M Masters; Class: M Masters 55+
 7153GregGoblirschM MastersM Masters 55+36:30.2RIVER FALLSM
 82191PaulSchoeningM MastersM Masters 55+36:51.7PLYMOUTHM
 93183JohnIltisM MastersM Masters 55+37:27.4ST LOUIS PARKM
 12447LadricD'Schommer-GrantM MastersM Masters 55+39:15.1MINNEAPOLISM
 145240markrathbunM MastersM Masters 55+43:55.1ELK RIVERM
 20663DaveHenryM MastersM Masters 55+34:43.9EDINAM
 2171004MarkOvergaardM MastersM Masters 55+34:51.7VADNAIS HEIGHTSM
Field: M SingleSpd; Class: M SingleSpd (Showing 6 of 10 items. Group continues on the next page.)
 11239innokentyzavyalovM SingleSpdM SingleSpd33:17.3MINNEAPOLISM
 2268RobertHestM SingleSpdM SingleSpd36:01.5MINNEAPOLISM
 33243ZacharyBurtonM SingleSpdM SingleSpd36:06.9MINNEAPOLISM
 44159LeviLowellM SingleSpdM SingleSpd36:38.3RICHFIELDM
 55248DavidSmithM SingleSpdM SingleSpd38:05.5MINNEAPOLISM
 6645montedirksM SingleSpdM SingleSpd38:14.6EDEN PRAIRIEM
Lap Times (if available)

Bib Name1234567
C34- 1040 Christopher Erickson09:4210:0110:5511:3512:06  
C34- 154 Willem Krattley08:3809:4810:1611:1911:25  
C34- 157 Matt Leizinger08:4509:3610:3310:5311:15  
C34- 167 Brian Nastali09:3610:5411:2311:32   
C34- 168 Daniel Nelson08:4909:1009:5810:1810:36  
C34- 170 Robert Newcomb08:2708:4409:1109:4010:09  
C34- 175 Lee Penn09:5510:4311:1712:00   
C34- 176 David Peterson09:2310:0910:3910:3411:15  
C34- 180 Michael Phernetton08:2108:3708:5109:2109:39  
C34- 184 Zoe Reker10:0710:2910:4811:28   
C34- 2 Chelsea Strate09:4910:1910:5711:28   
C34- 210 Lee Zettler09:1310:0010:3611:0312:01  
C34- 212 Anton Smirnov07:5908:2308:4308:5809:21  
C34- 214 Jeffrey Penman09:2610:1111:0811:1711:53  
C34- 215 eric pirius09:3410:2810:5911:41   
C34- 216 eli shank08:2608:5509:1509:4710:03  
C34- 217 max renner09:1909:2909:3510:0210:19  
C34- 218 gabrielle russell11:5012:2312:3713:04   
C34- 26 Jason Beck08:5808:5709:2509:4609:42  
C34- 27 Jacob Beissel08:3508:5409:2110:0710:10  
C34- 35 Eric Sundstrom08:3809:1009:5010:2610:38  
C34- 41 Stephen Cottrell08:4909:1909:3910:0210:42  
C34- 49 Jeff Frane08:3308:4409:1209:1309:17  
C34- 50 Jon Friedell09:2609:5410:2710:4611:10  
C34- 84 Andrea ingles12:2413:2114:3015:04   
C34- 92 Brad Ingles09:2209:5010:2110:4810:55  
JRS- 100 Maya Ingles15:0216:02     
JRS- 137 Ryan Ingles26:36      
JRS- 15 Jacob Alen16:0915:35     
JRS- 188 Penelope Rients22:20      
JRS- 213 iban drevlow18:07      
JRS- 219 James Halverson10:2311:15     
JRS- 220 Nathaniel Halverson13:1213:48     
JRS- 221 Ethan Brown16:2317:50     
JRS- 222 violet dady28:32      
JRS- 223 jackson dady36:13      
JRS- 225 Macyn Sawall24:04      
JRS- 226 orla prior13:4215:01     
JRS- 227 rigel prior15:1416:53     
JRS- 228 Ford Prior26:11      
JRS- 28 Roczen Beissel16:03      
JRS- 4 Lauren WEIGEL12:1212:48     
JRS- 44 Margot Derosier15:0115:30     
JRS- 5 Ragan Weigel13:4713:06     
JRS- 54 Ethan Gold17:2320:34     
M123- 155 paul krumrich 10:0110:2111:0111:2912:17 
M123- 158 Nicholas Lemke 08:4809:0609:2109:3809:4309:42
M123- 159 Levi Lowell 10:2910:3610:4910:4911:0011:22
M123- 16 Matt Allen 09:4409:4810:1110:0610:4410:40
M123- 161 Steve Marshall 09:1509:2409:4510:0510:1910:46
M123- 165 Satchell Mische-Richter 10:4510:5110:3410:3610:3911:16
M123- 177 Ethan Peterson 09:0809:2409:4510:3010:4010:43
M123- 187 Jesse Rients 08:5809:1009:2809:3109:3809:43
M123- 201 owen thoele 08:4809:0909:4109:4809:4009:40
M123- 224 kevin thum 10:0510:4211:10   
M123- 229 Ben Hey 09:3409:4810:0610:2210:1910:34
M123- 230 david baldus 09:2710:1510:5911:1311:5314:01
M123- 231 ryan johnson 10:0512:1911:1511:2211:27 
M123- 232 Eamon OHara 10:4110:5911:4012:1911:47 
M123- 233 Daniel Novak 11:0211:2111:2312:06  
M123- 37 Joe Burbach 10:0810:4810:4911:0511:3211:48
M123- 93 Dominic Talerico 08:5809:0909:1109:3809:1909:53
M45- 152 Patrick Knox16:4017:10     
M45- 153 Alex Knutson14:1414:33     
M45- 156 Mike ladendorf       
M45- 168 Daniel Nelson12:3112:39     
M45- 17 Ryan Amundson16:4719:07     
M45- 171 Scott Norquist16:2817:29     
M45- 192 Jared Sedlacek12:4913:15     
M45- 193 Tom Segar16:5619:18     
M45- 195 Marc Sontowski15:3716:15     
M45- 199 Shaun Struntz13:5515:10     
M45- 203 Brian Turk15:3315:04     
M45- 207 Park Walter13:4614:50     
M45- 210 Lee Zettler12:5813:21     
M45- 211 Nate Zumach16:4717:53     
M45- 241 tyree williams17:40      
M45- 243 Zachary Burton11:5412:08     
M45- 244 Paul Petersen17:3819:28     
M45- 251 blake nelson13:4414:41     
M45- 252 eamonn casey15:3817:27     
M45- 253 Michael Barnidge15:3716:48     
M45- 255 aaron lampshire11:4311:42     
M45- 40 JAMES COOKE15:5115:59     
M45- 403 Joel Benton14:2615:43     
M45- 57 theodore halvorson21:51      
M45- 61 Brian Headlee19:0517:26     
MSTand SS- 1 Risa Hustad13:0613:5514:14    
MSTand SS- 1004 Mark Overgaard15:0817:08     
MSTand SS- 1016 Chris Petersen13:0813:4113:55    
MSTand SS- 151 Matthew Johannsen12:1312:5213:42    
MSTand SS- 153 Alex Knutson13:5017:48     
MSTand SS- 156 Mike ladendorf12:2112:5814:10    
MSTand SS- 159 Levi Lowell10:5811:1511:25    
MSTand SS- 161 Steve Marshall10:4311:0111:37    
MSTand SS- 172 Tim Norrie10:3410:3911:12    
MSTand SS- 182 Ken Raiche11:1011:0311:33    
MSTand SS- 183 John Iltis11:4112:1711:30    
MSTand SS- 185 Kyle Rickert11:4612:0112:42    
MSTand SS- 189 Karl Saarela15:5821:10     
MSTand SS- 191 Paul Schoening11:2411:3911:56    
MSTand SS- 193 Tom Segar14:1614:5315:32    
MSTand SS- 195 Marc Sontowski14:3515:17     
MSTand SS- 196 tim Staloch12:0612:2012:41    
MSTand SS- 199 Shaun Struntz12:5413:1813:59    
MSTand SS- 202 Brandon Trigger13:0615:0514:04    
MSTand SS- 205 Chris Van Ert12:0512:3812:54    
MSTand SS- 21 Willem Bastiaens12:5214:3515:14    
MSTand SS- 235 Barry TUNGSETH12:1812:1712:32    
MSTand SS- 236 Brian Moran       
MSTand SS- 237 Meredith Rambow13:4414:4715:56    
MSTand SS- 238 Adam Rambow13:5014:1014:11    
MSTand SS- 239 innokenty zavyalov09:4210:1610:20    
MSTand SS- 240 mark rathbun13:4014:0413:55    
MSTand SS- 243 Zachary Burton10:3510:5911:21    
MSTand SS- 244 Paul Petersen14:4116:14     
MSTand SS- 245 Cory Gross11:4212:1212:38    
MSTand SS- 246 Tiana Johnson18:4422:56     
MSTand SS- 247 Thomas Lapinski13:3114:4216:06    
MSTand SS- 248 David Smith10:4612:0712:09    
MSTand SS- 30 keith bianchi10:3710:5411:16    
MSTand SS- 38 Ted Clausen14:2114:4415:04    
MSTand SS- 420 Jay Henderson11:1811:1911:30    
MSTand SS- 43 Marcel Derosier15:0215:2015:35    
MSTand SS- 45 monte dirks11:2011:5312:05    
MSTand SS- 46 Aaron Drevlow11:0711:4411:32    
MSTand SS- 48 Erik Engness15:0117:18     
MSTand SS- 51 Atsuko Fukushi18:30      
MSTand SS- 53 Greg Goblirsch11:3011:3811:22    
MSTand SS- 57 theodore halvorson18:1622:24     
MSTand SS- 63 Dave Henry14:5116:58     
MSTand SS- 68 Robert Hest11:0011:1110:55    
MSTand SS- 78 Renee Hoffmann13:1114:1914:28    
MSTand SS- 80 Chris Sur14:5715:3015:29    
W123- 1 Risa Hustad11:5812:1212:08    
W123- 175 Lee Penn12:5513:2913:37    
W123- 19 Erin Ayala13:1314:1513:55    
W123- 2 Chelsea Strate12:3612:4013:04    
W123- 234 Kadence Hampton17:1216:34     
W123- 3 Jenna Westlake13:2013:4313:27    
W123- 4 Lauren WEIGEL13:2714:3215:34    
W123- 5 Ragan Weigel14:3416:0616:08    
W123- 69 Kristy Henderson13:2613:4414:17    
W45- 163 Colette Meller18:5421:09     
W45- 178 Maggie Peterson29:59      
W45- 181 Erin Porter16:4015:56     
W45- 186 Chelli Riddiough18:0818:35     
W45- 19 Erin Ayala14:2815:22     
W45- 190 Jessica Santiago15:1316:08     
W45- 197 Trina Staloch15:1315:51     
W45- 200 NIkki Sudberry18:1521:05     
W45- 206 Claire Walling17:2117:51     
W45- 246 Tiana Johnson19:5319:42     
W45- 249 Amanda Harvey16:0418:04     
W45- 250 char psihos15:1515:27     
W45- 36 sarah bonneville15:2215:10     
W45- 42 Christine Danielson21:2021:20     
W45- 51 Atsuko Fukushi23:3823:38     
W45- 58 Kate Hanson18:0119:36     

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